Vihtavuori N130, the target shooter’s choice
04.09.2017Vihtavuori rifle powder N130, formerly known as N303, is a multipurpose powder for various rifle calibers, and suitable especially for small game hunting and target shooting.
The N130 is used in many factory loaded caliber .22 and 6 mm PPC cartridges. It is also an excellent match for lighter bullets in caliber .223 Remington and for straight-wall rifle cases like the .45-70 Government and the .458 Winchester Magnum.
The N130 is a single-base, tubular rifle powder type with grain dimensions of 1,0 mm length and 0,6 mm in diameter. On our scale of our rifle powders, the burning rate is relatively fast. Fun fact: The grain size of N130 is exactly the same as with N133 and N135, but due to differences in surface coatings, the burning behaviour of these powders is different.
Pro reloading tip
Jarkko Laukia, a multiple medalist in international ISPC competitions, has been using Vihtavuori N130 with great success. He was in the Finnish Gold medal winning team at the 2017 Russia Rifle World Shoot whilst clenching the bronze in the Open series and silver in the Shoot Off, with ammo loaded with N130 and also N140.
Jarkko Laukia at the World Shoot 2017. Picture by Kimmo Iso-Tuisku.
This is how he describes Vihtavuori N130:
I’ve loaded tens of thousands of rounds for my .223 Rem AR-15 rifle in the last decade, and have noticed how unbeatable the powder N130 is for loading lightweight bullets ranging between 50 and 55 grains.
Vihtavuori’s N130 guarantees an excellent competitive shooting combination of accuracy, mild recoil and clean burning. As an active reloader, I also really appreciate the good flow of the powder in my reloading machine.
I use 21.5 – 23.5 gr loads in my cartridges, depending on the bullet and desired velocity. With these loads I have gained several medals in 3-5 level IPSC Rifle competitions over the years, and I’ve always been able to count on the highest possible quality of my cartridges. To me, Vihtavuori powders are the only right choice for the shooter that doesn’t compromise on quality and wants to aim for the top!
This favourite load of mine for .223 Rem has given 0,5 MOA and works well up to 300 meters in dull weather conditions:
Case: Lapua Match
Powder: Vihtavuori N130 22,0 gr
Bullet: Lapua 51 gr HPCE
OAL: 56,0 mm
PF: 156-160 mm depending on the used barrel
Vihtavuori offers tested reloading data using N130 for the following calibers:
.204 Ruger – .221 Remington Fireball – .222 Rem. – .223 Rem. – .22 PPC-USA – .22-250 Rem. – 6 mm PPC-USA – 6,5 mm Grendel.30-30 Win. – .300 Savage – .308 Win. – 7,62 x 53R – .30-06 Spring. – 7,62 x 39 – .303 British – 8 x 57 IS (8mm Mauser) – 9,3 x 74R – .444 Marlin – .45-70 Government – .458 Win. Mag. – 7 mm TCU – 7 mm BR Remington – 7 mm GJW
Vihtavuori N130 gunpowder is available in 1 lbs, 1 kg and 3,5 kg containers, and in the USA also 8 lbs canisters. Read more on the N130 page!