Team Vihtavuori shooter Bruce Piatt Wins Bianchi Cup - Vihtavuori
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Team Vihtavuori shooter Bruce Piatt Wins Bianchi Cup


Team Vihtavuori member, Bruce Piatt, scored a 1920-179x to bring home his sixth Bianchi Cup. Piatt used N320 Vihtavuori pistol powder exclusively, known for its clean burning characteristics and unmatched lot-to-lot consistency.

The NRA National Action Pistol Championship took place May 22-24th at the Green Valley Rifle and Pistol Club in Hallsville, MO. For over 40 years, Green Valley has attracted the world’s top action pistol shooters to compete for the coveted Bianchi Cup.

“It’s been 10 years since I won my last Bianchi Cup. It feels great to win this National Championship especially after missing last year’s match due to shoulder surgery. The soft shooting Vihtavuori N320 did a great job at minimizing recoil while providing excellent accuracy,” said Piatt.

Piatt’s next match is the Trijicon 3-Man, June 22-23rd in Topton, PA. To learn more about Bruce Piatt, visit BrucePiatt.com