New reloading data!
06.05.2021Vihtavuori offers new reloading data for both rifle and handgun calibers with a vast array of projectiles from several bullet manufacturers. In this update, we have new bullets from e.g. Lapua, Sako and Hornady as well as loads for .300 Win. Mag. featuring our newest powder N568. We have also reproduced all 10 mm AUTO data as we have updated our reloading equipment used for load testing to make sure we offer the most accurate reloading information possible.
We offer new reloading data for the following calibers:
- 4,9 g / 75 gr Hornady V-Max with N135, N140, N150, N160 and N550 VV powders
- 8,8 g / 136 gr Lapua Scenar-L with N555
- 9,0 g / 139 gr Lapua Scenar with N555
- 10,5 g / 162 gr Sako Blade with VV powders N140, N150, N540 and N550
.300 Winchester Magnum with bullets:
- 10,0 g / 155 gr Brenneke TAG with VV powders N160, N165, N550, N555 and N560
- 10,7 g / 165 gr Hornady SST with VV powders N160, N165, N550, N555, N560 and N565
- 11,0 g / 170 gr Lapua LockBase with N568
- 12,0 g / 185 gr Lapua Mega with N568
- 13,3 g / 205 gr Berger Elite Hunter with N568
- 14,3 g / 220 gr Berger Long Range Hybrid Target with N568
- 14,3 g / 220 gr Lapua OTM Scenar-L with VV powders N165, N170, N560, N565, N570 and N568
.338 Lapua Magnum with bullet:
- 19,4 g / 300 gr Lapua Scenar with N565 and N568