New Vihtavuori video on Youtube: powder production
The production of our top-quality reloading powders is a process involving dozens of phases and tests. Our newest video is a little intro into some of those phases. Check it out on YouTube or on our Facebook page!

N165 for exceptional long-range performance
When you’re aiming for exceptional long-range performance, N165 is your choice of rifle powder! Vihtavuori N165 is a universal powder for magnum rifle calibers with heavy bullets. It works especially well in .338 Lapua Magnum with 250 gr bullets, but can be used with long range of calibers ranging from 6,5×55 SE all the way

Vihtavuori 3N38 – the choice of ISPC pistol shooters
Vihtavuori’s 3N38 powder is designed especially for competitive handgun shooting with high-velocity loads in 9 mm, .38 Super and .40 S&W cartridges. It’s a single-based, tubular powder type, and one of our small granule powders (0,6 mm length x 0,6 mm diameter). The 3N38 is a popular powder for practical shooting especially among IPSC and USPSA shooters. A

Vihtavuori N540 universal rifle powder
Vihtavuori N540 is a universal rifle powder for wide variety of medium-sized calibers suitable for both hunting and target shooting. It is an excellent choice for cartridges running from .223/5.56 mm to .308 Winchester and 30-06 Springfield with heavier bullet weights. Vihtavuori N540 delivers outstanding accuracy with exceptionally clean burning. Due to the extra energy

N120 rifle powder
The N120 rifle powder by Vihtavuori works great in small calibers with light bullets and in short barrel rifles, especially in .222 Remington and 7,62×39. Formerly known as N 21, the powder is well-known and used also by the Finnish Army. The burning speed of N120 is fast in the scale of our rifle powders, slightly

Vihtavuori N310 porous handgun powder
Meet our fastest burning handgun powder, Vihtavuori N310! Well-known for its accuracy and extremely clean burning, the N310 is used by pistol shooters from caliber .32 S&W Long Wadcutter up to .45 ACP and many others requiring accurate handgun loads. Vihtavuori N310, known as N14 back in the old days, is a single-base, tubular powder

Vihtavuori N570 heavy rifle powder
It’s time to talk heavy powders again! Vihtavuori’s N570 rifle powder is one of the youngest members in the Vihtavuori high-energy powder family. It was developed at the request of magnum cartridge reloaders roughly a decade ago. We realized that this kind of powder was desired yet lacking on the market, so we decided to

Vihtavuori N130, the target shooter’s choice
Vihtavuori rifle powder N130, formerly known as N303, is a multipurpose powder for various rifle calibers, and suitable especially for small game hunting and target shooting. The N130 is used in many factory loaded caliber .22 and 6 mm PPC cartridges. It is also an excellent match for lighter bullets in caliber .223 Remington and

New Vihtavuori video on Youtube – nitrocellulose production
When you are weighing your load of Vihtavuori powder, those greyish black grains in the scale pan have gone through quite a transformation in the production phase, before ending up at your reloading bench. Did you know that the raw material for gun powder is actually cotton that is processed into nitrocellulose? And did you

Vihtavuori 3N37: the handgun powder for practical shooters
Vihtavuori’s 3N37 handgun powder was originally developed for .22 rimfire cartridges, but has since proven to be very versatile and desirable within all competitive handgun shooting disciplines. The 3N37 is tubular, porous powder type with grain dimensions of 0,6 mm length and 0,6 mm diameter. The symmetrical grain size makes metering a breeze in powder