Fact Check – Vihtavuori powders continued support for the reloading community
26.06.2022We would like to address a rumour in the market. Some sources have suggested that we are planning to withdraw from the consumer reloading market. This rumour is false. We have no intentions whatsoever to quit selling reloading powders or turn our backs on the reloading community. On the contrary, this year we will be producing almost double the amount of reloading powder compared to 3-4 years back. That is a massive increase in capacity.
Still, you may be asking why you can’t find powders in the stores. Well, the demand for powder has increased enormously on a global scale in the last two years. However, we know that in many areas where the powder demand has doubled, the actual consumption has not increased as much. This means that some shooters are buying powder more than they actually need, probably partly because they believe rumours like the one we’re addressing here. But no need to worry – we are not going anywhere! We are working very hard on meeting the demand on the market and will continue to do so in the future as well – hopefully, for the next 100 years to come!