Dan Lomas crowned GBFCA British Champion
11.11.2023Congrats to our sponsored F-class shooter Dan Lomas for winning the GBFCA British Championships! After a very tough two day competition in hard gusting winds and fast angle changes, Dan clenched the title with Mike Harris in 2nd place and 3rd place going to Asad Wahid.
By winning the championship, Dan was also crowned overall GB League Champion of 2023. The Great Britain F-Class Association League placing is each competitor’s best 4 shoots from the 8 national level competitions throughout the season with a win worth 20 points, second 19 and so on.
The British Championships was a two-day event taking place at the National Shooting Centre in Bisley from 4 to 5 November. The weather was miserable, with the tail end of Storm Ciaran still in the air, heavy rain and strong winds. The format of the shoot is:
- Match one: 2+15 at 800 yards
- Match two: 2+15 at 900 yards
- Match three: 2+20 at 1000 yards
- Match four and five: 2+15 shots at 1000 yards
Dan won Match two and three on Saturday. On Sunday, Dan challenged for a higher score in both matches, and won, both times! He ended up taking the bronze in the last match on Sunday, which was enough to secure him the Championship – by one point!
Dan commented, “Going into the British Championships, I was placed second to Simon West and 4 points behind him. Therefore to win the league, I would have to win the British Championships, anything less would be one of the top three places – no pressure then!
On Saturday I took the gold in matches two and three. I used the same load I was shooting in the heat of the European Championships which was 30 degrees hotter the N150 was still performing amazingly. One of the toughest shoots and a very memorable birthday!”