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Dan Lomas crowned GBFCA British Champion

Dan Lomas GB League Champion and British Champion 2023 3

Congrats to our sponsored F-class shooter Dan Lomas for winning the GBFCA British Championships! After a very tough two day competition in hard gusting winds and fast angle changes, Dan clenched the title with Mike Harris in 2nd place and 3rd place going to Asad Wahid. By winning the championship, Dan was also crowned overall

Team Vihtavuori’s Ian Klemm Wins F-Class National Championship

Team VV Ian Klemm F-Class Nationals Champion 2023

Congratulations to Team Vihtavuori’s Ian Klemm winning the 2024 F-Class Long Range National Championship. Ian, who loaded Vihtavuori N150 powder and Berger’s 30 caliber 200.20X bullets, had an impressive grand aggregate score of 1580-82X crowning him as F/TR National Champion for an unprecedented fifth time. The 2024 US F-Class Long Range National Championship was hosted

Vihtavuori Reload app updated with new features

Vihtavuori Reload App new features 2021

The Vihtavuori Reload app has been updated. In order to better serve our customers, we have improved the login options. In the new version, the user can change their language preference in the login view. Further, the user is able to to opt-in or opt-out for marketing consent. This can be done during the signup process