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New benchrest World Record by Neary with Vihtavuori powder

Jack Neary shot a new 200-yard World Record for smallest 5-shot group, measuring .110”. Neary’s confirmed world record was set using Vihtavuori N133 powder, hand loaded with the 6mm PPC cartridge during the World Benchrest Championships this past week in Calgary, Canada. The World Benchrest Championships are held every two years and attract competitors from over

Team Vihtavuori’s Phillips Crowned King of 2 Miles

Team Vihtavuori member, Paul Phillips, was recently crowned King of 2 Miles at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, MN. King of 2 Miles is an Extreme Long Range (ELR) Rifle competition that challenges competitors to engage steel targets at various distances out to 3,525 yards. Phillips and his Team Global Precision Group members all

Vihtavuori’s Wayne Campbell takes 2nd Place at F.I.S.S.

Team Vihtavuori member Wayne Campbell

Wayne Campbell trusted Vihtavuori Smokeless Powder to outshoot nearly 200 competitors and finish 2nd place overall at the Firearms Industry Super Shoot (F.I.S.S.). Vihtavuori powders dominated the precision rifle shooting event being used by the entire Top 20 shooters. Each year, hundreds of the world’s best competition benchrest shooters gather at Kelby’s Range in North

New reloading data published

Vihtavuori Powders reloading powder

Vihtavuori offers new load data in the following calibers: 30-06 Spring.: 155 grs Sierra, 180 grs Hornady bullets .308 Win.: 110 Hornady, 150 Barnes, 165 Rhino bullets 6mm Creedmoor: 70 grs Sierra, 90 grs Lapua’s and Swift, 95 grs Sierra, 105 grs Lapua and Sierra, 115 grs Berger bullets 6.5 Creedmoor: 95, 120 and 143

Vihtavuori Reload App updated – new look, new features!

The new and improved Vihtavuori Reload app We’ve introduced a new, fresh layout to the app, making it easier to read the tables. The app also has new features: New language options: Italian, French New functionality: Take a picture to go with your own recipe (no need to upload from gallery) AR (augmented reality) –

Vihtavuori Dominates 2019 Firearms Industry Super Shoot

Reloading powder by Vihtavuori

Vihtavuori dominated the 47th Annual Firearms Industry Super Shoot (F.I.S.S.) with the entire Top 20 competitors using N133 smokeless powder Each year the F.I.S.S. attracts hundreds of the world’s best competition benchrest shooters to Kelby’s Range in North Lawrence, Ohio. Over four days of competition, five-shot groups are fired at targets ranging from 100/200 yards

Team Vihtavuori shooter Bruce Piatt Wins Bianchi Cup

Team Vihtavuori member Bruce Piatt

Team Vihtavuori member, Bruce Piatt, scored a 1920-179x to bring home his sixth Bianchi Cup. Piatt used N320 Vihtavuori pistol powder exclusively, known for its clean burning characteristics and unmatched lot-to-lot consistency. The NRA National Action Pistol Championship took place May 22-24th at the Green Valley Rifle and Pistol Club in Hallsville, MO. For over

Vihtavuori attending the 148th NRA Show April 25-28

Vihtavuori will be welcoming NRA visitors in booth #5964 during the 2019 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Indianapolis, IN. Vihtavuori is known for producing the highest-quality propellants used by more than 80% of today’s top competitive benchrest shooters. “Whether you’re a competitive long range shooter, hunter or an accuracy enthusiast attempting to produce the

New reloading data

New reloading data out now! Data published as always on the Vihtavuori app and on the website. What’s new: New caliber: 6mm Creedmoor! 9 mm Luger – new 115 gr Berry’s, 115 gr Barnes, 125 gr Sierra bullet .223 Rem. – new 55 gr Hornady, new loads for 75 gr Hornady bullet 6,5 Creedmoor –

Vihtavuori “Shoot To Win” promotion launched in the U.S.!

Vihtavuori has launched a new promotion for competitive shooters in the U.S.! Now you have the opportunity to win cash prizes in an array of matches throughout the 2019 season! The rules are simple: 1) Shoot ammunition loaded with Vihtavuori powder when competing in the listed matches to qualify. 2) The Vihtavuori Big Cash Release